Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

81. Colin Morgan: How To Change Your Path & Start Fresh



“We can’t change the past — we can just learn from it. We can look at it and wonder what we could have done differently. How can we learn and do things so that we don’t make those same mistakes today?” As a kid, Colin was obsessed with golf. He was naturally talented and eventually turned pro. Then to his horror, he realized this wasn’t the life he wanted. He hit his breaking point on the 9th tee of a golf course in Arizona. Despite being in the state for two months, Colin realized he knew nothing about the area except the golf course. It was time to quit.But that’s when the real ‘competition’ began.Until that point, golf had been everything to Colin. It defined who he was, how others saw him, and what he did. How could he make the transition to something new when he didn’t even know what it was he wanted?Business seemed like the obvious solution, but it wasn’t until he struggled as an entrepreneur for many years until he figured it out. He’s been trying to get rich quick, but that wasn’t the answer! Instead,