Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

39. Dr. Steve Young - When One Billion People Need YOUR Help



“If you just work with amazing people, helping a billion isn’t as crazy as it sounds.”I first heard this guest speak at a recent event and I was hooked immediately.Dr. Steve Young has, what many would call, a crazy goal.In fact he calls his mission to help a BILLION people love their way to building their greatest legacy by providing the tools and systems for success his ‘moonshot’ goal.But as you’ll hear in this episode, it’s not as crazy as it sounds.Since 2001 Dr. Steve has personally healed over 7 thousand people and influenced countless more indirectly. Using functional medicine and drawing upon science-based principles, Steve helps people resolve their physical ailments so they can return to health and high energy.He’s all about the process - not the hacks. Specifically, Steve inspires people to transform their relationship with food so they can regain control of their body and leverage health to live a happier life.“We all have this ability of heightened intuition. Our reality is so much more than the