Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

28. Jon Vroman - The Art of Moment Making



“Our whole lives are made up of moments… How we approach the here and now ultimately writes the stories of our lives.” Ever felt as though you’re missing out on life as it happens? It’s a common concern. When you’re juggling a ton of responsibilities (and a to-do list that never ends) your head and body aren’t in the same place! And when you’re chasing the future and rushing over the here and now, you end up missing out on a lot. It’s why I was so excited to chat with Jon in this episode. Jon is on a mission to show people how to live life in the front row - and his tool of choice is moment making. It’s a mindset I totally buy into. I used to focus on the grind. I used to constantly chase the next promotion or the next big goal because I believed that’s what would make me feel successful. But I soon discovered this mindset puts you in a game you’ll never win. That’s because life isn’t a journey. Instead, it’s a series of here and now moments. And my guest today reveals how t