Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

3. Coffee Break with Raj Jana - What Will You Gladly Struggle For?



“If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” - Frank A. Clark In the search for happiness, you will encounter struggle and challenge. It’s an inevitable, unavoidable fact of life. Struggle and fear is something we inherently want to avoid, because it doesn’t feel good, but by avoiding a core human emotion, we can lose out on the fullness life has to offer.  It’s why I loved chatting with Akshay Nanavati - bestselling author of Fearvana. Akshay’s approach to fear is an absolute game-changer. Instead of avoiding fear, Akshay’s created a revolutionary method that proactively embraces the struggle and uses fear as a tool for happiness and success.  Akshay convinced me that the narrative around struggle needs to change. Rather than being an experience to avoid, struggle can become a North Star for personal growth. Akshay’s insights have had a profound impact on my life and in this Coffee Break episode I share my personal reflections from this po