Sermons By Ed

Gospels Review



The Gospels Jesus: King, Servant, Son of Man, Son of God “But these are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” ―John 20:31 THINKING ABOUT THE TRUTH Even in Hub groups that have been together for a long time, it is amazing how few opportunities we have to share how we came to Christ. How did you come to Christ? What were the circumstances, people, beliefs that led you to Christ? What is your Gospel story? REVIEWING THE TRUTH 1. What has stood out to you about our study in the Gospels? Observations? Questions? Insights? Matthew Mark Luke John Received by Picture of Christ Highlights of the Gospel View of the Apostle Theme Verse Jewish Christians King of Israel Long Discourses Romans Suffering Servant Miracles Mark relied on Peter Mark 10:45 Greeks Son of Man Parables Luke relied on Paul Luke 19:10 All mankind Son of God Personal interviews John (eyewitness) John 20:31