Sermons By Ed

John: "So that you may believe"



I. Logos as God and Man (1:1-18) III. Son of God’s ministry to His disciples (13:1-17:26) II. Signs of the Son of God (1:19-12:50) Washing of the disciples’ feet (13:1-17) Prediction of betrayal (13:18-30) New Commandment & prediction of denials (13:31-38) Comfort and instruction: heaven, the Way, sending of the Spirit (14:1-31) Vine & branches (15:1-17) Hatred of the world (15:18-16:4) Work of the Holy Spirit (16:5-16) Sorrow to joy: He has overcome the world (16:17-33) Jesus’ prayer for Himself (17:1-5) Jesus’ prayer for His Disciples (17:6-19) Jesus’ prayer for all believers (17: 20-26) John the Baptist’s witness: Denial of being the Christ & affirmation that Jesus is the One (1:19-34) First Disciples—James, John, Phillip, & Nathanael (1:35-51) Sign 1: Water to Wine (2:1-12) Cleansing of the Temple (2:13-25) What do the signs show: Jesus & Nicodemus (3:1-21) John the Baptist: “He must increase” (3:22-36) Jesus and the Samaritan Women (4:1-42) Sign 2: Healing the Off