Opie Radio

Ep 217: Love Ya Miss Ya 02 - Vic Henley and Ron Bennington



Numb. R I P Vic Henley  I honestly couldn't tell you about the day I met Vic or how long I actually knew him.  When the special people come into your life they feel like they've been there the whole time. Vic Henley was a  great comic. Loved doing radio with him but loved even more our friendship. The long hilarious, knowledgeable phone calls. The long walks home after doing the radio show ending in the middle of Central Park where I would turn left and he'd turn right. As we parted he would shout, "you're not suppose to make new friends at our age." Always happy, rarely sad. Never had a bad word to say about anyone. His laugh/giggle was so contagious which you wanted to be around. Music knowledge second to none. Fun to try to stump him which was almost impossible. Bring up any topic and he had a wealth of knowledge on it. I learned something interesting every time I was in his presence. A great hilarious storyteller. Just an incredible loss to his family, friends and the comedy community. The world is less