Wilde About Wellbeing

It's Not About You: Why Some People Reject Our Help



If you get upset when someone rejects your help / advice, you need to listen!   You are CHOOSING to get upset, love. You are CHOOSING to feel frustrated. You are CHOOSING to give meaning to someone else’s opinion. Nothing means anything except the meaning you give to it.  And I do all of those things too, but now I see that there are ways to avoid the PAIN. I was letting myself feel discomfort when my advice didn’t HIT HOME… Then I realised two important things: We are all on a different journey - some of us take longer than others to be ready to accept advice… I have ZERO CONTROL over how others receive the GIFT of my advice.. I KNOW my stuff. I have faith in myself to help others. I am AWESOME at coaching others, if they’re ready and willing to accept the help. The GIFT of my help - bc that’s exactly what it is. I have a gift from the universe - to be able to assimilate all my experience and knowledge with my strong intuition and empathy. That gift is one I pass on to others.    It’s not my job to judge how