Inside My Wardrobe

085 Life, Loss & Lemonstones



This week we hear from Emma Simpson, scientist and writer, wife and mum, and someone who experienced multiple traumas over a short period of time that turned her life inside out and resulted in her developing clinical depression, followed by chronic fatigue syndrome and a mast cell disorder. In this episode we hear Emma’s devastating story, about how she has learned to deal with PTSD and grief, about depression, anxiety, about over achieving, pushing away pain and the eventual breakdown that would see everything rise to the surface. If it wasn’t for Emma’s friends and family, she says she wouldn’t have made it through. This is such a real and honest tale of how life can change overnight and that the only way through, is by taking one step at a time. You can read Emma’s blog by clicking here you can also follow her on Instagram @lovelifelemonstones and if you’d like to get in touch with her for any coaching and conversation, then you can find her here on Linkedin. You can also find out more about The Winne Mab