The Teachers' Podcast: The New Generation Of Ed Tech Professional Development

The Teachers' Podcast Ep 21 Global Learning Gallery and NECC Afterglow and Ed Gragert (iEARN), email:



Bright with the afterglow of the NECC 2008 conference, hosts Kathy and Mark provide some short salient insights and then bring our listeners a compelling interview with Ed Gragert, Executive Director of In 20 years, the International Education and Resource Network has grown to include over 20,000 schools and organizations, over 1 million students in over 115 countries. Listen in as we discuss the mission, vision and impact of this educational global collaborative project between classrooms and schools around the world.Any school can propose an iEARN project and participate for a small fee. This vibrant program develops dynamic experiences in global citizenry that promises to change the lives of everyone involved. If you know iEARN enjoy this update on their work. If you don't, listen and beat a quick virtual path to their website to consider getting involved! Resources, articles, tips on conference goodies and much more in Teachers' Podcast episode 21! The 3rd Annual Best Educational Podcast Conte