Frost & Sullivan Podcasts

Global Mega Trends to 2030



Topic Discussed : Our World in 2025-2030: Top 12 Transformational Shifts to 2030Speakers: Richard Sear, Partner & Senior Vice President, Archana Vidyasekar, Director, Frost & Sullivan,and Guest Speaker, Neil SahotaCompanies often overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will happen in the next 10 years. Consolidation is inevitable across most industries that leverage digital technologies in multiple market segments. If companies are to thrive amid rapid transformation, they must reorient the relationships between society, government, and the way we do business. The ability to understand these global Mega Trends and key transformative themes and their impact on human lives over the next decade allows companies to better prepare for a future of growth.In this webinar session, Frost & Sullivan Futurists and IBM Master Inventor and United Nations Artificial Intelligence subject-matter expert Neil Sahota will discuss the 12 transformational themes