Frost & Sullivan Podcasts

Impact of Blockchain on the Global Automotive Aftermarket, Forecast to 2025



Topic Discussed : Impact of Blockchain on the Global Automotive Aftermarket, Forecast to 2025Speakers : Benson AugustineKey Takeaways :Parts Authentication Through Digital Twining to Substantially Decrease Seepage of Counterfeit Products in the Supply Chain. Supply chain stake holders are likely to invest in smart contracts to effectively exploit the distributed ledger applications of blockchain. Data monetization through tokenization of user blocks likely to become mainstream as free data leeching by service providers is likely to endRelated Keywords: Frost & Sullivan, Distributors, EVs, Fintech, MaaS “mobility-as-a-service”, Maas, Parts Retail, Prognostics, Suppliers, Supply Chain & Logistics, Telematics, aftermarket, and Shared mobility, anonymity, asset tracking, bitcoins, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, decentralized, distributed ledgers, eWallers, ethereum, financial documentation, financing, fractional ownership, hash, investment, key, ledgers, megatrends, node, part authentication, pr