Dreamers & Doers

#82 - Tantra Entrepreneur builds a COVID-proof business - Dharmaraj



Dharmaraj is a Tantra Teacher, Sexuality & Intimacy Coach, Holistic Healer and former Biological Holistic Dentist. As Lead Faculty of Tantra Essence team, he offers trainings and healing  sessions internationally in Europe, Asia, and USA. He offers Sexuality  & Intimacy Coaching, for individuals and couples. With COVID19  hitting in 2020, he had to cancel his retreats and move big parts of his  business online. We discuss how he built a business around his passion  for tantra and how he is now transitioning to also include more coaching  online. Here are the great points we covered during this interview; Dharmaraj describes how sexual empowerment can create a better society [9:34] Dharmaraj explains the wide range of Tantra [12:58] Dharmaraj details why sexual energy is the most potent energy on the planet [18:47] Dharmaraj shares how he create a COVID-proof business [27:11] Dharmaraj explains the myths & benefits of online coaching [30:38] Dharmaraj shares how