Frost & Sullivan Podcasts

2019 Healthcare Predictions – Growth Opportunities, Technology, and Trends



In 2019, digital health will come of age. Favorable reimbursement policies for clinically relevant digital health applications will expand care delivery models beyond physical medicine. 2019 will be a reality check for two of the most hyped healthcare technologies of this decade—Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain. Globally, 2019 will be a year of value-based care as we expect the outcomes-based care focus to globalize. Access to affordable and quality care will be a key political agenda for upcoming elections in emerging markets such as Asia, Africa, and Central and Eastern European countries. Non-traditional players with digital technologies, such as Amazon, Ali Health, Microsoft and IBM, will provide the required impetus to public health systems to ensure accessibility and affordability of care.Key Takeaways:• Learn how many of our 2018 predictions came true• Gain insight into the critical issues affecting the healthcare industry globally• Identify new opportunities connected to the pharmaceut