Trashed Talk Podcast

Godzilla the showa era episode 1



Trashed Talk Podcast reviews 5 of Godzilla's films from the show era in our latest episode.  Listen for a lengthy breakdown of Godzilla 1954, Son of Godzilla, King Kong vs Godzilla, Destroy All Monsters, and Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla.  Comic of the week: Godzilla the half-century year war.  Game of the week: Godzilla clash of Tokyo board game.  At the Movies with Trashed Talk Podcast: Austen recommends Soulmates and The Bay. Travis recommends the anime Blockade Battlefront, and Amazon's The Grand Tour.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and our network Butwhytho at Trashed Talk Podcast and let us know you're listening.  Or send us an email with a question for us to answer on the show at: Or email Travis at Give us a review on Itunes to help out the podcast.  Theme song Grimmlock by AdhesiveWombat.  Channel art by Ju5tpaul.  Check out Austen's comic review Instagram at austens_comic_corner_reviews.