Kitty Talks

You need to know this to excel in 2020



Today I’m getting personal and sharing a story from my home life with you…. It’s lead me in to a new epiphany and helped me to find my balance. The words Microcosm and Macrocosm came to me loud and clear and reconfirmed my belief that everything that is happening on a planetary level is also be playing out on a personal level. The collective shadow of the planet is coming up right now, have things come up in your personal life too? It’s time to leave behind 3rd dimensional views, and transcend to leave “box” behaviour. It’s ok to have a different opinions in fact we must embrace our differences, 5D means we are loving, and supportive of others even if they have a different opinion to ourselves. I passed my ascension test, and I had to share it with you. Let me know if you have found the same thing too?Sign up today for my fyhe challenge starts 14th sept