Kitty Talks

How to create heaven on earth? The meaning of life - Charlie Freak - Part 1



Charlie Freak became enlightened very early in his life, he is a wealth of info and knowledge and a student of Entomology. ( Etymology is the study of the origin of words and how the meaning of words has changed over the course of history.)He and his partner Coleen have a channel FreakSense tv where they decode Q drops and deliver accurate info to the public on what is happening right now. Due to their knowledge based background they are master decoders. There is so so much info in this podcast I split it into 2 parts I encourage you to really be in a place you can concentrate to fully appreciate his wisdom. I would also suggest you read the shownotes as they flag what to listen for. In this podcast you will learn The meaning of life is to Exhalt oneself EXALT, to HEAVE oneself to HEAVEN...Head, Heap, Heave are all related etymologically to Heaven... Essentially integrating our highest self. Humanity has been living in the left brain