Kitty Talks

My Journey to Sobriety - Kitty Waters



Do you have habits that do not best serve your health, happiness and potential future path? This could be anything from excessive TV watching, smoking, drugs or drinking. Today, Kitty will openly share her own relationship with alcohol and, with all the twists and turns along the path, her fascinating journey to sobriety. Before we dive in though, have you signed up for the free Follow Your Highest Excitement challenge!? It’s never too late to join our fun and supportive community where you will be actively encouraged to take a path that will lead to a happier, healthier life and to a place of unshakable inner peace. Go check it out! But before you do, listen in and learn about the variety of reasons Kitty first formed her relationship with alcohol, and the steps she took to end the on-and-off relationship once and for all. You’ll also learn: •What it was that was lacking in Kitty’s childhood that made her want to emulate her father and his habbits.•That when emotions aren’t released in a healthy way, th