Kitty Talks

How to create your dream life - Kitty Waters



“Magic and miracles are guaranteed when we understand universal law and start to do what truly excites us.” ~ Kitty Waters Thank you for joining us in our first-of-three in this special podcast series which will encourage, excite and support you in our Follow Your Highest Excitment (FYHE) challenge. If you’ve done this challenge before you’re lucky enough to know, first hand, that this works and, welcome back! If this is your first time, then listen in and be prepared to not only level-up your life and make your dreams a reality, but you’ll be signposted to a life where magic and miracles really do become the norm for you. Kitty created FYHE as there was nothing available to assist her out of a dark place of depression, drugs and alcohol. So if you’re struggling in any way - perhaps you too are dependant on stimulants having lost your enthusiasm or drive, or maybe you’re happy enough, but deep down know there must be more - listen in, Kitty will explain how this challenge will help you improve