Kitty Talks

Why You Should Lead With your Perceived Weakness - Sahara Rose



“Lead with your perceived weakness - that’s what will make you relatable” - Sahara RoseToday we welcome with open arms our truly amazing guest, Sahara Rose who joins to share her in-depth knowledge of dharma and all things Ayurvedic. Sahara is the best-selling author of the Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda, and the upcoming Eat Feel Fresh: A Plant-Based Ayurvedic Cookbook. She has been called “a leading voice for the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift” by Deepak Chopra, who wrote the foreword of both her titles. Her passion is bridging ancient Ayurvedic healing and spiritual wisdom with modern western nutritional science and psychology. Sahara's mission is to awaken people to their innate potential so they can share their gifts and fulfil their purpose on this planet.This interview is packed with straightforward, practical advice and guidance that will help you find your dharma by following Ayurvedic principles. Listen in and not only learn how Jennifer Aniston influenced Sahara to follow a path to he