Kitty Talks

We are always being slowly equipped for our highest purpose - Peta Kelly



“Our number one role, and what the planet is calling for us to do more than ever, is to take responsibility for our own vibration.”– Peta KellyIn this episode, you’ll hear about:My guest Peta, who found the courage to live in alignment when her soul calling forced her off a safe science PhD path and on a scary, exciting and life-changing journey, through network marketing to leadership in new consciousness. She is now bringing forth the voice of a whole generation, and supporting epic, brilliant creativity world-wide.Peta Kelly is a mentor and New Way leader, and the creator of Jeaniius, on a mission to unleash Generation Y by connecting and mobilising Millennial entrepreneurs. Inc. Magazine listed her as one of the 2017 27 Business Leaders, and Forbes dedicated her the article 7 Ways to Know If You’re On The Right Career Path. Peta lives between Australia and USA, but her mentorship events bring her on stages all over the world.Guest: Peta KellyHosted By: Kitty WatersThis fantastic podcast will give you an