Kitty Talks

The light workers way - have you found yours?- Rebecca Campbell



“If you're in a path that doesn't feel like it fits. Don't beat yourself up! .Because there’s always a reason for it.” – Rebecca CampbellIn this episode, you’ll hear about:My beautiful guest walking us through her journey on how her rock bottom moment led her to becoming an author of best-selling books and helping us in finding our soul’s calling and working out our life’s purpose.Rebecca Campbell is a bestselling author and inspirational motivational speaker, spiritual teacher, a ground spiritual mentor in practical intuitive guide and Hay House writer.Guests: Rebecca CampbellHosted By: Kitty WatersFor more REBECCA CAMPBELL go to rebeccacampbell.meThe GOLDEN Details: Subscribe to the podcast in iTunesFor more KITTY TALKS:Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @kittytalksJoin our group on Facebook and register for more podcasts on our website: www.kittytalks.comRecommended Links & References: love hearing from our Kitty Liste