Pedia Pain Focus

There Are No "Difficult" Patients!



With 15% of all healthcare encounters classified as "challenging", it is likely that you will or have already  experienced one. It's easy to pin that on a "difficult" patient or family. Listen to find out why there's no  such thing as "difficult" patients or families. Takeaways in This Episode Dr. Groves' classification for"Hateful" patients Why there are no difficult patients Contributing factors to challenging or difficult patient-clinician encounters Why root cause analysis is necessary to have a smooth patient care visit and positive outcomes Clinicians role in the challenging patient encounters How to effectively manage these difficult clinician-patient encounters   Links Managing Disagreements and Misalignment  of Opinions in Pediatric Pain Care Taking Care of the Hateful Patient You Might be Perpetuating Your Patients Pain instead of Treating it Owning your role as a Physician leader in Today's Healthcare Storytelling in Pediatric Pain Medicine (Part 1 and Part 2) Proactive Pain Solutions Phys