Walking Dharma

Episode 34: Do It Anyway: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome



This week's podcast is called,"Do It Anyway: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome." Imposter syndrome comes from trying to mold yourself after someone else's vision, ideals, standards and definitions of what you should do, act like, look like, express and create. It often arises when we put ourselves out there with our work, our creative energy and our self expression. Imposter syndrome is what holds many of us back from doing our work/expressing whole heartedly as we fear rejection and failure. To overcome it we must understand where it comes from, how to identify it when it is arising and then navigate the art of doing what we want to do anyways, regardless of our fear and deep seeded lack of self worth. This episode features philosophy from the Bhagavad Gita and Buddhism. We use sloka 2:47 and 2:48 from the Gita as guiding principles in unpacking how to overcome imposter syndrome: "To work alone you are entitled, never to it's fruit. Neither let your motive be the fruit of action, nor let your attachment be to n