Electronica Monthly

EM002: July 2006



Welcome to the July 2006 edition of the Electronica Monthly podcast, featuring new and unsigned electronic music artists from around the world. Please send any demos to demos@electronicamonthly.com Any questions/feedback to feedback@electronicamonthly.com This months tracklisting is as follows:- 00:00-00:46 2-RD / Good Morning 00:44-04:04 Chano / Shopping Trolley Escape 04:03-08:40 E-sin / Environ 08:28-11:52 Worried About Satan / Patty Hearst 11:52-16:17 MengQi / Dnb In The Rain 14:39-18:05 Larry Seyer / LS112405 17:44-22:46 Zeropage / Void Sensor 22:46-28:40 Kaom / A Moment in Time 28:33-33:35 Mortality Curve / Dragon Gate For further information on any of the shows and featured artists, please go to http://www.electronicamonthly.com