Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

AJ Holmes - large format & Negative Supply



We are fast approaching Christmas 2020 everyone, so merry Christmas and happy holidays to all! Recently I came across some lovely portraiture work using large format through Instagram.  After commenting on a few and scrolling through their work I realised how much it inspired me.  Shooting large format with family is now mean fete!  I then looked for contact details and realised it was AJ Holmes the co-founder of Negative Supply!  So this got me thinking it would be nice to talk to them about their products and ethos. It was really nice to engage with AJ, you can hear the passion he has for this large medium.  But not only that, you can tell from his tone, he truly cares about his family and the film community.  AJ originates from Tennesse, in the south of USA. He's been shooting film for over 14 years now, which started with his Canon Rebel - a sensible present from his parents.   Though he started university with business, he soon found his passion for photography!