Beyond Birth

Ep. 78 Don't Should on Me



In the first episode of 2021, Liz and Sharon are “unpacking the should,” and diving into the pressures we face from society, those around us, and even from ourselves on everything we are made to feel we “should” (or should not) be doing with our time and lives. “You should lose the baby weight.” “You should be focused on your family and not your career.” “I shouldn’t be resting right now when there’s so much to do…” What happens if we let go of the pressure to always feel the need to conform to all of the “shoulds” in life, step away from the guilt and listen to our own intuition instead? WE DIVE INTO:  Managing the guilt that often comes with the word should. How to get yourself out of the should spirals How to deal with the shoulds - What is your intuition telling you? Remember, only you can ultimately decide what feels right for your life. No matter how many "shoulds" and "should nots" are thrown your way.  Try not to should on yourself - and don't put shoulds on to others either.  MEN