He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

Organizing Against AIDS in Our Community



Every day from 1981 people have lived and died from AIDS. But for the same number of years communities have gone without the proper education to understand the disease and prevent the spread of it. Over the course of the past 30 years, facts have emerged that have put the AIDS myths to bed. Treatments have been developed to allow people to live full lives. It is important to know who can catch it, how it is passed on and what you can do to help stop the spread of AIDS. GET TESTED!!! PROTECT YOURSELF!!! Joining CWT4R co –host Michelle and Terry Boi will be Maximillian Mathis Boykin, Community Organizer for the Chicago Ads Foundation. Maxx a Veteran of the US Navy during his young life has been on the political scene as a volunteer to educate and help people better understand laws and issues that affect them from voting to the importance of testing for HIV/AIDS. Per the Aids Foundation of Chicago’s Facebook page part of their new mission is to mobilize communities to create equity and justice for people living