He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

For Faith, For Love,Forever Documentary - A Must See



The documentary “For Faith, For Love, Forever” explores the debate on same-sex marriage in the African-AmeTrican community and its inclusion of the black church. Despite media portrayals suggesting complete disapproval, ordained African-American pastors and ministers are given the opportunity at a Town Hall Meeting in Oakland, CA to speak openly about their reasons for being for the inclusions of same sex couples, their rights to marry and being active members of their individual congregations. The film offers its viewers a powerful exploration of the effect that California's Proposition 8 had pre-and post-Election 2008 on the gay community. The discussion of black gays having a right to marry as a matter of inclusion in the church makes for a most diverse and unique topic. The film’s director Nefertiti Strong, Rev. Roland Stringfellow, who appears in the film, and James Felton Keith, CEO of the Detroit Regional LGBT Chamber of Commerce, that will be hosting a screening on February 2, 2015 followed by a town