He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

Domestic Violence in Love- Why do you stay?



Do you know someone that has been or is being abused? Have you asked yourself why is she staying? Why won’t she just leave her/him or he won’t leave him/her? Many ask that question but these are the same people who forgot on the playground as a young child, the cute little boy or girl pushed you down or hit you all in the name of “they liked you”. As a survivor herself the founder, Imani Evans of Women Healing Women wanted to start an organization that truly empowers women. She works to empower women to understand that even surviving is only part of the healing journey, and that thriving is the true destination. We will talk to Imani about her survival and how it shaped her into becoming the woman she is today. Joining CWT4R will also be Gwen Thomas; currently the Executive Director at the S.H.E. Experience and a minister at Victory for the World Church, Atlanta, GA. Gwen is a board member and the Communication Expert of Women Healing Women, Inc. Thomas is also a survivor of sexual abuse. She feels that educa