He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

Immigration Equality



Immigration might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of issues affecting the LGBTQ community but it has a deep impact on the lives of many LGBTQ families especially immigrants in our community who face unique and often daunting challenges. Immigration equality demands fair and equal execution of the laws and rights of non-citizens regardless of nationality or where they come from. LGBTQ individuals are being detained when no crime has been committed with reports of transgender persons being isolated weeks on end while awaiting a court appearance or deportation. In over 77 countries around the world being gay is illegal. For many who are undocumented and those seeking asylum, being deported is the equivalent to a death sentence. The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) has been advancing the civil and human rights of LGBTQ people and their families through litigation, legislation, policy, and public education since 1977.  America is a country built on the immigrant experience of ma