He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

How do you address Discrimination?



Joining co-hosts Terry Boi, Ina and Michelle on “Can We Talk for REAL” Blog Talk Radio tomorrow night Wednesday, June 4th will be Mona Noriega let’s talk about if you have been discriminated and did not know where to go. Every city has a Human Relations Department. Join us as we talk to Mona about the department that handles the complaints, steps you need to take to file claims, and how to recognize you have been discriminated against. Mona Noriega, appointed by Mayor Emanuel in 2011, serves as the Chairman and Commissioner of the Chicago Commission on Human Relations (CCHR). The CCHR works to address prejudice and discrimination, supports victims of hate crimes, and enforces the City of Chicago’s anti-discrimination laws. Currently she is a member of the LGBTQ Coalition for Immigrant Rights and annually serves as an Honorary Co-Chair of Chicago Build the Peace Committee and is working on a Hate Crimes Summit to be held at UIC on October 20, 2014. Mona’s initial community organizing work began with lesbian m