He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

Alternatives to The Body’s Natural Healing Abilities with L. Ojetta Brown



Do you want to know how to help your body heal itself utilizing all natural products and supplements?  How to use your life force energy to grow stronger and healthier?  How to have a healthier immune system and live longer?  How to have a young healthy brain all of your life? Then you don't want to miss CAN WE TALK FOR REAL as co-hosts TerryBoi, Ina and Michelle are joined by L. Ojetta Brown, the Director of the Center for Peace and Holistic Healing. Ojetta's experiences as a clinician and as a patient following a closed-head injury in 2003,  revealed to her the need for a radical change in how medical and mental health services are provided in this country.  She came to the conclusion that we do not not have a health care system, but a sick care system.  Her private practice integrates the best of the medical professions’ science and techniques with natural alternative treatments. She will be sharing tips on how we can live  healthier and offering alternatives for your medicine cabinet.  Call in Wednesda