He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

Healthy Relationships Let Us Talk



Dr Kofi Adoma will join Can We Talk for REAL, Wednesday November 6th as Ina, Michelle and Terry Boi talk about Healthy Relationships and Friendships. Dr. Kofi Adoma, a licensed clinical psychologist practicing in and around Detroit."HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP" can you define what it is or are you in one? Do you respect your partner or mate? Are you the stubborn one that does not compromise? If your partner/mate wants space do you see it as a sign of they don’t love you or something is going on? Is the communication what it should be? Do you support each other in positive and constructive ways? Remember many say that you should have a separate life which includes having friends and having hobbies that don’t include your partner/mate. Power does not define a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP, or does it? Call in on 347-215-8985 at 10:30 pm eastern time, 9:30 pm central standard time, 8:30 pm mountain time and 7:30 pm pacific time. Grab your blanket, your sweetie, cuddle and listen or Press 1 to speak. HEALTHY IS HAPPY…. Any Que