He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

Mandy Carter Recaps-Bayard Rustin Commemoratioin



Leading the organizing and planning in honor of Bayard Rustin was Mandy Carter who will be joining CWT4R co-host Ina, Michelle and Terry Boi. Carter joined the show in February informing listeners of the upcoming events that occurred last week on August 28th. On the NBJC website entitled “Bayard Rustin 2013 Commemoration Project”. Mandy Carter, Bayard Rustin 2013 Commemoration Project National Coordinator, commented that "most people do not know that Bayard Rustin, an out Black gay man, was the key organizer for that groundbreaking event. America needs to know that Bayard existed. Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and same-gender-loving people need to know that Rustin stood firm in his identity and, by his very presence, challenged others in the Civil Rights Movement to overcome homophobia." Mandy provides information about Someone in History You Should Know. Join us on Can WE Talk for REAL, Wednesday Night at 10:30 eastern, 9:30 central, 8:40 mountain and 7:30 pacific time. Call into 347-215-8985 an