He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

Sistas Healing Old Wounds, Inc.-Women and Incarceration



Wednesday, July 31, 2013, Founder and CEO of Sistas Healing Old Wounds, Inc. (SHOW) Veronica “Roni “Minter will join CWT4R, co-hosts Ina, Michelle and Terry Boi. Roni an incarcerated woman and former addict began Sistas Healing Old Wounds, Inc in order to give back to woman the opportunity to change their future by learning from their past.  Sistas Healing Old Wounds, Inc. Facebook page it read this about the founder and the organization. Veronica ‘Roni’ Minter—A formerly incarcerated woman and a former addict, used her past experiences to do what she felt she was called to do. In 2005 when Roni was released from a New York State correctional facility she knew that she was to somehow return to the prison system to bare -witness to life beyond the walls. While incarcerated Roni began a small group called Sistas Healing Old Wounds, Inc. (SHOW) in Albion Correctional Facility. This program was designed to create a safe space where women could come to talk about past traumas in their lives.  Roni has returned to