He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

NO MORE DRAMA How Do You Heal After The Hurt



No More Drama…..How do you heal after the hurt? There is no reason to be ashamed. Majority of us have lived through some experiences that would leave people speechless. Even though we made it through, the pain feels like it happened yesterday and we are crying ourselves to sleep. It could be as a result of an ended relationship or marriage. It could have been the death of your grandmother, mother, father, sibling or spouse. Maybe someone close to you betrayed your trust and left you in an unfortunate predicament. Maybe you were mentally and physically abused, raped or molested as a child and even though you have been through counseling and talked to family members the hurt is still there. Even though you have been delivered from drugs, alcohol, prostitution, promiscuity, selling drugs, gang banging or a contagious disease your family and some friends treat you like an outcast and never invite you to family functions. It’s time for us to be free, healed and whole. Thursday night at 7:30 call 347-215-8985. Coun