He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

Just Because Im In Church Doesnt Mean Im Perfect



This is not the show for you to hold your peace. I'm so tired of people judging, gossiping and saying bad things about people because they have decided to change their life. Everyone one of us are a work in progress. So many people don't attend church because we are not being "real" about who we are. Many act like they never lied, cheated, slept with someone else husband or wife, smoked weed, gambled, abused alcohol and had children out of wedlock. We ALL have a testimony. Thursday night at 7:30 call 347-215-8985 were discussing "Just Because I'm In Church...Doesn't Mean I'm Perfect". Why is it when you decide to change your life people will remind you of what you use to do? Why do people automatically expect you to be perfect? Why do christians judge other christians, when we are all dealing with something? Before finding fault in someone else, we must first look at ourselves. Let's share experiences, laugh and encourage each other.