He Say She Say..Now What Do You Say

Why Do Women Turn Their Children Against Their Father



Why do women turn their children against… See More their fathers? If the father isn't financially supporting the child, should he have visitation rights? You dislike the father and the both of you fuss and fight, how do you maintain a positive image for the child? Do women bash the father because he has decided to start another relationship or get married? Do women use the children to get back at the fathers? We all know men who are not responsible and could care less about their child, but does this give you the right to say negative words about the father? There are men who take care of children that are not theirs, how do you explain to the child the father doesn't want to spend time with them? Is it wrong to bring another man around and ask your child to call him "daddy"? There are a lot of single mothers how do you explain to your children about daddy missing birthday's, holiday's, special events and important moments? This show is not about bashing. Let's release and encourage each other.