The Lion

Inside Out: Kelley Lopez KML Designs



KML Design Solutions was created by Kelley Lopez at a point in her life when it was time to do some serious soul searching about how she wanted to contribute to the world. She’d spent her 20’s & 30’s raising a son and working to help build someone else’s business. While she felt lucky to be a key player in building a successful business and found the work very rewarding, it wasn’t her calling. After having renovated several investment homes and doing some interior design work for friends as a favor, it was clear that interior design is a something that Kelley has a passion for and comes naturally. Cut to 2010 and her son is now grown and doing well and Kelley has found herself in need of starting something new. She got her education from Interior Design Institute in Newport Beach and is a member of the National Kitchen & Bath Association. She has enjoyed helping her clients’ realize their dreams of having a beautifully designed space. Her mission is to improve the lives of people by helping create bea