Love, Life, Law of Attraction

Loving The Person It Might Be Better If You Didn't



The Love Whisperer, Lisa M. Hayes and Cassie Parks are going to discuss loving that person maybe it would be better if you didn't. If you're a Nashville fan you'll be familiar with this topic. A few weeks ago Luke reminded Rayna of a time when he was hoping she'd "see him" but she was hung up on Deacon. While this is a TV Drama, this situation plays out often in the real world.  Have you you been in a place where you know you wouldn't have seen the better one? Have you been the one desperately trying to get someone to "see" you who was hung up on someone else? Resisdent Relationship Expert, Lisa M. Hayes is going to shead some light on why we can get caught up on the one we shouldn't. Is it a self-love issue? Bio-chemical? Human nature? What can you do if you find yourself in either situation? We'll discuss it all!!  Join us for a fabulous show!!!! If you're curious about the episode that inspired this topic you can watch it here. The scene is about 2 minutes in. We're likely to discuss Lisa's amazing cour