The Lion

Inside Out: Vanessa Lamorte


Sinopse  As a child, I was always told that I was an "old soul." In many instances, I found it hard to relate to my peers because of my intuitive abilities. At five or six, it was "normal" for children my age to talk about seeing fairies, to have "imaginary" friends and to be afraid of the dark because of monsters or ghosts (that I knew were communicating with me.)   I enjoyed more creative pursuits like playing the piano, singing, painting and day-dreaming to satisfy the need to use my intuition. (My inner child still allows me to enjoy these things today too!)  In my teens, I began to integrate the more eccentric parts of myself and allowed my abilities to shine through in a solely "entertainment" type of way. It worked for the time-being. I continuously found myself seeking more from the Universe than dogmatic religion and traditional academia were providing me. Basically, I wanted to know about the ultimate human potential in a multitude of different ways. I wanted to answer quest