The Lion

MODO Yogi Emily Morwen



Emily, a Toronto native, was first introduced to yoga in New York City where she was studying theater and the art of becoming an anxiety-ridden insomniac! At the time, the thought of Yoga meant slowing down, which meant terrifying and seemed better suited for “hippies” and “tea people”, not she! But after accidentally stumbling into her first class, she was shocked to discover that this “slowing down” was not only the most challenging sweaty work-out she’d ever had, but for the first time in ages, she felt calm. Excited and inspired to learn more, she began her study and practice of Yoga.   Emily completed one of Moksha Yoga’s first 800-hour teacher trainings in Thailand where she was lucky enough to study with Susi Hately Aldous, Ted Grand and Jessica Robertson, Frank Boccio, and more. It was on this trip that Emily, Deena and Jess planted the seed of a distant dream to one day open Moksha Yoga LA…   Cut to: Years later. Emily now lives in LA, teaches Yoga privately all over LA, is the creator of Yoga Th