The Lion

Inside Out: Janet Conner's new book, Writing Down Your Soul



Janet Conner did not set out to be a spiritual writer or teacher. She earned a BS from Marquette University in Speech Pathology and an MA in Education of the Deaf from Northwestern University. Her first career was in special education. In 1982, she created the first videojournalist recruitment program at CNN. After she and her husband moved to Florida, she ran a division of an international search firm. But then, everything changed In 1997, in the midst of a lucrative consulting career, her marriage imploded and her life disintegrated overnight into wearing a police call necklace, keeping 911 predialed on her cell phone, and occasionally taking her young son into hiding. Out of sheer desperation, Janet poured her soul onto her journal every morning, describing what was happening in ghastly detail and demanding--demanding!--help. Here's the important part of the story: Help came. Every day. Sometimes in the form of direction, but often in the guise of questions she hadn't been willing to ask. Janet discovere