The Lion

INSIDE OUT: David interviews Lisa Sahakian



Bio: Lisa Sahakian is an Entrepreneur-Philanthropist, a visionary and true renaissance woman. She offers a variety of holistic services that are inclusive in healing the mind, body, spirit and beyond. She chooses to bring yoga and alternative healing methods to the general population by teaching corporate wellness and yoga at Kaiser- Permanente, the Violence Intervention Program, to women & children affected by domestic violence, privately and at yoga studios throughout the country. The philosophies of Lisa's teachings supports a life-style based on non-attachment and unconditional love where living in the moment through the awareness of breath can carry us through this life with great authenticity, joy and bliss from within always, in all ways. Lisa's passion for preventative healthcare began at the age of 16 while teaching fitness classes to women. She holds a B.S. in Health Education with an emphasis in Food Science & Dietetics and Microbiology. While Lisa focuses on women's health she also celebra