Ajahn Anan Podcast

May All Beings Be Free from Suffering



In this videoconference talk from 8 January 2021, Ajahn Anan discusses compassion. "In reference to the compassion as in the virtue of Great Compassion of the Lord Buddha, this is extremely vast, boundless, and incomparable. Wise people have given a simile that if we praise the great virtues of the Lord Buddha, it's like a little bird that chirps into the infinite universe. This is because the virtue of great compassion of the Lord Buddha is incomparable. 'So let's talk about compassion, in terms of the compassion that we cultivate as a meditation, or the compassion of the 4 Brahmaviharas, sublime abidings. When we want to practice or meditate by developing compassion, then this is the mind that thinks to help free others from suffering."