People And Projects Podcast: Project Management Podcast

World of Thanks, a special Thanksgiving podcast episode



Download the episode Thanksgiving is, indeed, one of my favorite holidays. Though celebrated this week in the States, many other countries have a similar holiday with essentially the same purpose: give us a chance to reflect on what we're thankful for.The People and Projects Podcast is all about helping you to deliver projects and lead teams. So, it's worth asking: how important is being thankful to helping you lead and deliver?It's critical. In fact, let's test that out for a second....Think back through bosses you've worked for in the past. Or consider teachers you've had over the years, and perhaps even your parents. Out of that list, who jumps out as someone who was stingy, so to speak, with their gratitude towards you? Whether in word or action, they just didn't dish out appreciation very often.Can you think of someone? Many people can. What consequences come to mind that resulted from that lack of gratitude?Some two years ago I was talking with a CEO about how I like to send Thank You cards to