Sex Ed In Color

03: Witchcraft And Social Justice in the Club, with Janis Luna



Want to show your support? Spread the word to your friends & follow us on social. Facebook | Twitter | Instagram Music by: EyeLoveBrandon Follow Janis Luna Instagram Read Janis' column at Go Magazine: All of her work and her latest entry Mentioned In This Episode: Affect Conf (RIP) My talk from Affect Conf, September 2018 "Queering Mental Health: An Analysis on the Criminalization of Black People and Mental Health" by DaShawn Harrison, Affect Conf, September 2018 Information on SESTA/FOSTA // Backpage and its shutdown + Craigslist personals being taken down People Mentioned Bianca Laureano: Facebook page and website Zahira Kelly-Cabrera AKA Bad Dominicana: Instagram, Twitter, and website