3 Minutes With Kent

Consider Long-Term Impacts and Deletability



Hi there friends So today I wanted to talk about how a water damage thing that I discovered in my house and it relates to software. So a few days ago, we discovered in two of our closets in the basement that we have some water damage on the baseboards and the carpet. And we had no idea where this came from or how long had been or where it came like what the cause of the the problem was. So, I eventually found out that it was our water or not our water heater, but the furnace and it has some condensation and so there's this. Pipe that will take that condensation out of the house and there was a leak there just a little small little leak that it would drip like maybe once a minute not very much but this had clearly been going on for months and we just never noticed and eventually, you know, really damaged our baseboards and and the carpet and everything. So that would that's super annoying because now we're gonna have to you know, replace a bunch of stuff and it's gonna be expensive and we have homeowners insur