3 Minutes With Kent

Things Change Constantly



Hey there friends. This is your friend Kent on Monday January 4th 2021, and today I just wanted to talk about how things change constantly. So I was updating the bookshelf app the app that we built together on Epic React.dev and just realized that there are a handful of well actually. I think only one major thing that has changed since I released this and that is React query version 3 came out. And it's just it would there are so many videos that that impacts.Even though the impacts themselves are relatively small it just like destroys so many of the videos I had to re-record all of those. And yeah, so I was just thinking about how things change and not only do our dependencies change but like the way that I recommend to doing things change and also like there's another one of the workshops the testing react apps in there. I have one exercise where we're dealing with a hook that allows you to get the geolocation of the current user. And so we're mocking that out, of course, you wouldn't be able to do that in